I've had friends accuse me of going so overboard with being private that I cross the line into secretive and almost being in the Witness Protection Program. So I have no compulsion to talk about my sexuality. I'd actually prefer not to.
Except. Well, if you don't talk about it, people will just go ahead and assume you are heterosexual. Yeah, I'm not comfortable with that. I believe in privacy, not closets. Shoot, I have a hard enough time getting my clean laundry from the basement to my closet, there's really no way I can manage to put myself in one.
So I'm thinking that a forehead tattoo would avoid any confusion. You know that woman you see walking her dog around the neighborhood, greeting everyone she passes? Well, look at that! She's romantically attracted to women. You know, her, the one who gave away all those carrots from her garden? She likes women, really likes them. And I think it would be good for all those straight people who don't think they know anyone who sits under the LGBT umbrella. They could note me, with my big sign, going about the quirky, mundane business of my life. Not at all being a threat to the fabric of society (well...hopefully I'm at least occasionally a threat to some social ills, but not the beautiful parts of the fabric).
I like this idea--other than the whole permanent part, but at least it would save me from collapsing into a fit of giggles when someone random person asks me about boyfriends.
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