Saturday, June 20, 2009

These Are the People in My Neighborhood

I love my neighbors. I just do.

There's my 70-something next door neighbor who talks to me through her window if she sees me outside. She puts up quite a unique Christmas tree each year (decorations include a string of lights shaped like alcohol bottles and pink Cadillac ornaments...I really don't think I'm making this up, but it gets harder for me to believe as we get further and further away from Christmas).

There's the neighbor down the way who, feeling sorry for my poor little lawn, bought me a bag of grass seed to spread around (I'm doing my best really I am!). I actually have a few neighbors pulling for my yard. Another consults with her landscaper to get advice for me. When she came over to share his suggestions, she told me "you work so hard!"

There are the little kids who yell "Hi, Lisa!" whenever they see me walking my dog. Really, my name is not Lisa, I do not look like her, and my dog doesn't look anything like her dog. Still this makes me laugh. Every time.

Then there's the neighbor on the other side of the empty house. He takes turns with the man who lives on the other side of him mowing the lawn of the vacant house. And last year he gave me tomatoes and peppers from his garden. Oh, yeah, I have a pack of sunflower seeds for him. Must remember to pass those on.

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